Hair Transplant For Women

Hair loss in women, particularly through excessive thinning, is a prevalent form of hair loss. The unique aspect for women involves using materials, specifically the ‘punch,’ to extract hair roots in smaller and more refined quantities. Women’s hair transplantation can utilize various techniques such as FUE, DHI, and SAPPHIRE FUE, mirroring the options available for men. After conducting analyses of thinning, loss, and gap areas, Haircity Istanbul provides detailed information about the most suitable hair transplantation technique for women. The surgical process is then meticulously planned to achieve the most natural appearance, taking into account both the patient’s preferences and expert recommendations.

Contrary to the common association of hair transplantation with male patterns, women also experience hair loss, often attributed to factors such as malnutrition, stress, or hormonal irregularities. Recognizing the significant role of hair in women’s aesthetics, the noticeable impact of hair loss and baldness on their psychology underscores the importance of addressing female pattern hair loss through transplantation.

In contrast to hair transplantation for men, where complete shaving is common, this approach is not favored for women. Hair transplantation for women involves collecting hair follicles from a specific area in the nape of the hair, without shaving all the hair. This targeted approach, gathering only regional donors, distinguishes hair transplantation for women from the procedure for men. For those with weakened hair strands, an alternative to hair transplantation is hair mesotherapy, offering a solution to strengthen and improve hair health.

Eyebrow Transplantation:

Haircity Istanbul has achieved notable success in eyebrow hair grafting, influencing the facial expression of women positively through eyebrow transplantation. Conducted under local anesthesia, eyebrow transplantation using the FUE method minimizes risks, allowing for a natural and aesthetic appearance with a symmetrical design tailored to the patient’s preferences. Specialists collaborate with patients to establish the drawing and image terms, and then, using the FUE technique, specific grafts are extracted and transferred to the planned eyebrow transplant area. The canal opening in eyebrow transplantation utilizes the Sapphire technique to minimize bleeding and expedite the healing process.

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Before / After

If you are experiencing thinning and significant hair loss on the top of your head, the most effective treatment is typically hair transplantation. Other alternative methods and cosmetic products used after hair loss often do not promote hair growth. Hair transplantation in women is commonly performed using the FUE technique. This procedure is conducted under local anesthesia, ensuring a painless experience. Hair follicles for transplantation are extracted from the nape and meticulously transplanted one by one to the bald area, aiming for a more aesthetic and natural appearance.

Following the female hair transplant procedure, the patient can return home. The operation, which takes approximately 6-8 hours, is usually completed in a single session. The hair transplant process involves harvesting hair follicles for 3 hours, opening channels for one hour, and transferring the roots to the opened channels in the subsequent 3 hours.

After the hair transplantation, the patient is scheduled for a follow-up appointment. On the third day post-operation, it is crucial to carefully wash the hair. In the initial week, some swelling in the forehead and redness or crusting may occur on the nape, which is considered normal. These temporary effects gradually subside, and patients can typically return to their work routine within an average of 10 days.

One of the most common reasons for hair transplantation in women is forehead narrowing. Women with a broader than normal forehead may encounter challenges in styling their hair, and an overly wide forehead can disrupt facial balance, affecting overall appearance. Forehead narrowing through hair transplantation yields permanent results and achieves the desired aesthetic enhancement. By adjusting the rotation direction of the transplanted hair, it becomes easier to shape and style the hair according to the patient’s preferences.

A healthy scalp typically harbors an average of 100 thousand hairs, and it is considered normal for adults to shed 100-150 hairs per day, influenced by washing and combing habits. Hair loss can be attributed to various factors, including hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, exposure to chemical substances, genetic predisposition, systemic diseases, hair growth disorders, medication, psychological stress, and scalp diseases. In a healthy individual, a period of hair loss lasting up to 2 months may occur, repeating approximately 3 times a year. If this period extends beyond 2 months, it could indicate underlying health issues, warranting specialist assistance. The onset of hair loss typically occurs 3-4 months after exposure to triggering factors, with a return to normal expected within 6-12 months following appropriate treatment.

The life cycle of each hair is roughly divided into three phases. The growth phase, being the longest, sees hair growing approximately 1 cm per month on average. Following this phase, the hair enters a resting period lasting several weeks before transitioning to the shedding phase, which lasts about 2-3 weeks on average. During the shedding phase spanning 2-4 months, the hair loses its connection with the hair follicle and naturally falls out. While activities such as combing, brushing, and washing may expedite this process, they cannot extend it. At the conclusion of this period, even without any intervention, the hair will naturally detach and fall out.

New hair is continually produced from the hair follicle to replace the shed hair, maintaining a cycle that persists throughout one’s lifetime. At any given stage, 85-90% of the hair is in the growth phase, 1-2% is in the resting phase, and 10-15% is in the shedding phase. The acceptance of shedding up to 100 hairs a day on non-bathing days stems from the physiological understanding of this hair cycle.

Understanding these stages is crucial in comprehending why the treatment of hair loss often takes time. Each existing hair strand has a life cycle, living for 4-6 years, resting, and then falling out. Losing hair in this manner is a natural process, and it is considered normal to lose 50-100 strands of hair per day. Exceeding this amount, experiencing increased hair loss during bathing, or pulling out 3-5 strands of hair when washed and dried by hand should be taken seriously. Hair loss can result from various causes, and determining the specific cause is essential for appropriate treatment.

Common Causes of Hair Loss:

  1. Genetic Factors:

    • Hair loss in men is often attributed to male-pattern hormone-sensitive genetic factors, affecting more than 50% of the population. This type of hair loss is chronic and may progress with age, potentially leading to baldness. Initiating supplementary treatments, such as mesotherapies and PRP treatment, at an early age can slow down the rate of shedding and delay baldness. This type of shedding is also observed in women, especially those with a family history of baldness. Today, male-pattern hair loss, starting as early as 16-18 years old, is becoming more common in young girls, potentially influenced by factors like excessive stress, unbalanced diet, prolonged starvation, and hormonal problems. In women, success rates can be improved by incorporating hormonal treatments alongside standard approaches.
  2. Skin Problems:

    • Skin and internal diseases can contribute to hair loss, with skin-related issues affecting the scalp in particular. Diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, acne, lichen disease, excessively oily skin, and fungal diseases can lead to shedding. Treating the underlying skin disease is essential to address these hair loss cases.
  3. Wrong Eating Habits:

    • Hair loss due to nutritional reasons is another common factor. Hair, as a living organ, requires proper nourishment and blood supply. Irregular and unbalanced diets, prolonged starvation, and consuming high-carbohydrate foods can eventually impact and cause hair loss. Practical treatment involves adopting a balanced diet.
  4. Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency:

    • Even in the absence of nutritional problems, deficiencies in essential vitamins and minerals required for hair in the blood can lead to hair loss. Low levels of B12, vitamin D, folic acid, biotin, zinc, and iron can hinder hair nourishment and contribute to hair loss. Iron supplementation, even in the absence of iron deficiency, has been shown to reduce hair loss. Correcting deficiency through specialist consultation is crucial in such cases.
  5. Hormonal Problems:

    • Hormonal issues, such as menstrual delays or irregularities, increased hair growth, excessive acne, accelerated weight gain, can contribute to hormonal hair loss. Consultation with a dermatologist, along with blood tests performed on the 2nd or 3rd day of menstruation, is recommended to identify the source of these problems. Hormonal treatments are effective in addressing such types of hair loss.
  6. Some Internal Diseases and Drug Use:

    • Internal diseases such as thyroid gland diseases or medications used for these diseases, rheumatic diseases, hormones, slimming pills, adrenal gland diseases, insulin resistance, diabetes, birth control pills, and sometimes discontinuation of these pills can contribute to hair loss. Thorough examination and testing by specialist doctors are necessary to investigate these causes.
  7. Sudden Onset Factors:

    • Sudden hair loss onset may be linked to recent surgeries, febrile illnesses, drug toxicities, blood loss, or severe trauma.
  8. Birth and Chemotherapy Process:

    • Specific causes of hair loss include postpartum shedding starting 2-3 months after birth, caused by the sudden loss of hair that should have been shed during pregnancy but wasn’t. Adequate supplementation under specialist control can alleviate this discomfort. Hair loss in patients undergoing chemotherapy is less common with modern drugs; however, it tends to recover spontaneously after completing the treatment.
  9. Cosmetic Factors:

    • Increasing cosmetic habits can contribute to mechanical, chemical, and physical hair loss. Tight hair tying, internal bonnets, excessive heat exposure during blow-drying processes, hair lightening dyes, lighteners, and straightening methods can damage hair externally and lead to hair loss. Preventing exposure to these applications is the only treatment, and applying necessary reinforcement and care processes can restore the desired appearance.
  10. Stress and Depression:

    • Excessive stress, similar to any disease, is another cause of hair loss. Depression, anxiety, psychoses, and the medications used in their treatment can affect hair and contribute to hair loss.

Hair, as a living organ, is susceptible to various factors in daily life that can cause rapid changes. When something goes wrong in an individual’s life, self-reflection is essential, and seeking help from a dermatologist if necessary is recommended. Misdirection and hearsay information from the environment can lead to time loss for patients. If there is an underlying cause, delayed diagnosis and treatment may occur. Additionally

Maintaining healthy and beautiful hair is a common desire, but hair loss can sometimes impact self-confidence. Hair and eyebrows are essential accessories, particularly for women, and solutions such as hair and eyebrow transplantation exist for those experiencing issues like thinning or shedding. Hair loss can result from various factors, including genetic reasons, hormonal changes during pregnancy, irregular nutrition, excessive stress, and an unhealthy lifestyle.

Before undergoing transplantation, patients undergo tests for control and precautionary purposes, including screenings for Hepatitis B/C, HIV, and Jaundice. The transplantation process involves shaving the hair in the targeted area, extracting grafts from the donor point, and keeping these grafts in an organ transplant solution. Channels are meticulously opened using the latest technology applications, and grafts are then planted one by one.

Post-transplantation, the patient refrains from washing for the first two days, and the initial wash is performed by the institution. After ten days, the patient returns to the institution for a follow-up on shedding. During the initial 10 days, the patient is responsible for their daily washing routine. With each wash, the transplanted area gradually regains a natural appearance. Within three months, approximately 30-35% of the planted area shows growth. Substantial growth of 60-65% occurs within six months, and individual variations may lead to 100% growth between the 8th and 12th months.

To maintain the health of existing hair and eyebrows after transplantation, it is advisable to use vitamins. Serums enriched with stem cells and supported by multivitamins offer significant benefits. During washing processes, attention should be given to using shampoos without chemicals, parabens, and colorants. Following these post-transplantation care practices contributes to optimal results and the overall well-being of the transplanted hair and eyebrows.

Hair transplantation is not limited by gender but rather depends on the type of hair loss or the reason for shedding. Women can undergo hair transplantation, and there is no inherent problem with the procedure for them. The success of hair transplantation is influenced by the type of hair loss and its underlying causes. Women generally have thicker hair roots than men, and if the cause of shedding is hormonal, medical evaluation is necessary.

Hair transplantation can be successful in women when performed by experienced specialists. It is not necessary to shave the hair separately for female hair transplantation, and the procedure can be done without a complete cut. Grafts taken from strong hair follicles are transferred to problem areas, preventing shedding in the transplanted hair.

The Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method is advantageous for women, as it allows for the transfer process without the need to cut the hair completely. The thinning created by grafts from the upper part of the nape region is not visibly noticeable even when the hair is collected. Women typically opt for hair transplantation to address thinning rather than baldness.

Before the operation, tests are conducted, and the area to be grafted is shaved, usually from the nape area to minimize visibility. Grafts from the nape area are then transferred to sparse areas, aiming to promote thicker hair growth in those regions.

After the graft procedure, individuals should avoid washing their hair for two days. Subsequent washing processes, performed by the institution, gradually restore the natural appearance, and the graft area regains its original form over time. Hair transplantation is a permanent solution that can be applied to women, offering high success rates when done correctly by experts. Therefore, thorough research is essential for women considering a hair transplant.